Prospective Students
Brass, Woodwind, Percussion
Music Majors
- January 31
- February 7
- March 7
- April 4
Non-Music Majors
- January 24
- February 28
- March 14
- March 21
- April 11
Razorback Drumline Callbacks
Callback auditions for the Razorback Drumline will be held on the University of Arkansas campus on Sunday, April 27th 2025. All incoming students must first attend a Music Major or Non-Music Major Audition Day before attending callbacks.
Please see the 2025 Razorback Drumline Audition Packet here.
Two one-day summer camps for current and incoming members of the Razorback Drumline will be held on Saturdays in June and July. Registration information details will be shared soon.
These two camps are unrelated to Summer Music Camp provided through the Community Music School. For information about Summer Music Camp for both Jr. High and High school students, visit their website.
Razorback Color Guard
Auditions for the 2025 edition of the Razorback Color Guard will be held on Saturday, April 26th, 2025.
You can find registration information and details about audition requirements here.
Razorback Twirlers
Auditions for the 2025 edition of the Razorback Twirlers are tentatively scheduled for Saturday, March 15, 2025.
You can find details about audition requirements here.
Frequently Asked Questions
This audition is for acceptance into the University of Arkansas Bands program and scholarship consideration. Other placement auditions (e.g. concert bands, marching band, Hogwild Band) will be communicated to accepted members of the program once they are on campus.
On-Campus Auditions for Woodwind and Brass instrumentalists:
Woodwind and Brass auditions should consist of 5-7 minutes of total prepared music, including two contrasting excerpts of the student's choosing. Selections should be solo repertoire or etudes of an all-region/all-state etude type. Students will also be expected to perform major scales and sight reading. Students should bring 2 copies of the music they are performing for the adjudicators.
On-Campus Auditions for Percussionists:
Students should be prepared to play two separate auditions. The preliminary audition will take place during the scheduled non-music major audition dates. For the preliminary audition students should prepare either their All-State or All-Region audition material or appropriate solo literature that will showcase their technical and musical skills. For the preliminary audition, it is highly encouraged that students perform on as many of the instruments listed below as possible. This gives you the highest scholarship consideration.
The Preliminary Audition will consist of scales, rudiments and sight-reading, and prepared solos on all of the following instruments:
Concert Snare Drum: Prepared solo/etude, rudiments (open, closed, open), and sightreading (you must use concert snare drum sticks, NOT marching sticks)
Marimba: prepared solo/etude (4-mallets encouraged, but not required), scales (2 octaves up and down), and sightreading (you must use concert marimba mallets, NOT marching mallets)
Timpani: prepared solo/etude and tuning demonstration (without an electronic device, you must use concert timpani mallets)
Marching Percussion: In addition to the concert percussion, you must prepare a piece demonstrating appropriate technique and style for the one instrument you would most like to audition on for the Razorback Marching Band. Based on this audition, you will be given feedback on your technique and a recommendation on what instrument you should audition on for call-backs:
- Snare - An advanced difficulty rudimental solo/etude to be performed with marching sticks on a modern marching snare drum using traditional grip and marking time. Further demonstration of rudiments may be requested.
- Tenors - An advanced difficulty rudimental tenor solo/etude to be performed with marching sticks on a modern set of tenors (quints) using matched grip and marking time. Further demonstration of rudiments may be requested.
- Bass - A medium-advanced difficulty rudimental solo/etude or show excerpt to be performed on a marching bass drum with mallets or on a practice pad with marching sticks using matched grip and marking time. Split sightreading or timing demonstration may be requested.
- Cymbals - A medium difficulty rudimental solo or etude to be performed on a practice pad or snare drum while marking time OR a solo/etude or show excerpt performed with marching cymbals that demonstrates appropriate cymbal technique while marking time. Split sightreading or timing demonstration may be requested. Playing the particular visual style / cymbal technique that the RMB cymbals use is not necessary for this first round.
- Front Ensemble - A medium-advanced difficulty 2-mallet solo/etude or show excerpt to be performed on a marimba with appropriate technique and style for marching band. This will be played on concert instruments for live auditions, so please be prepared to use mallets that will not damage a concert instrument. We will provide you with appropriate mallets if needed.
If you are unsure what to play or have any other questions about marching percussion auditions, please contact Chris Scherer.
For the sake of time, we may cut you off early on longer solos. If you have a particularly long piece, you may elect to start part way through in order to make sure you play a certain part of the piece.
If you do not have appropriate sticks/mallets for any of the listed instruments, we will have some available for use in the audition room.
The Second Round Audition will be held in April 2025 on the University of Arkansas Campus in Fayetteville. Following the Preliminary Audition students will receive information directing them to audition materials for the Second Round Audition.
While we prefer you make an on campus visit for your audition by selecting one of our audition days, we understand that financial and scheduling concerns can necessitate a virtual audition. When filling out the audition registration, you will have the option to request a virtual audition.
Virtual Auditions for Woodwind and Brass instrumentalists:
Woodwind and Brass auditions should consist of 5-7 minutes of total prepared music, including two contrasting excerpts of the student's choosing. Selections should be solo repertoire or etudes of an all-region/all-state etude type. Students should also include the chromatic scale through the full range of your instrument (any rhythm, scale pattern, or articulation). Virtual auditions should be in the form of an unlisted YouTube link.
Virtual Auditions for Percussionists:
Students should be prepared to play two separate auditions. The preliminary audition will be in the form of an unlisted YouTube link and should be submitted by Friday March 15th, 2025. For the preliminary audition students should prepare either their All-State or All-Region audition material or appropriate solo literature that will showcase their technical and musical skills. For the preliminary audition, it is highly encouraged that students perform on as many of the instruments listed below as possible. This gives you the highest scholarship consideration.
The Preliminary Audition will consist of scales, rudiments and sight-reading, and prepared solos on all of the following instruments: Concert Snare Drum, Marimba (four mallet solos encouraged but not required), and Timpani. Virtual auditions should be in the form of an unlisted YouTube link.
The Second Round Audition will be held in April 2025 on the University of Arkansas Campus in Fayetteville and will consist of placement into the Razorback Drumline. Following the Preliminary Audition students will receive information directing them to audition materials for the Second Round Audition. All auditioning students should plan to be on campus for the Second Round Audition.
If there are additional questions, please call the band office at 479-575-4100 or email us at
As a general rule, the band does not have a hard deadline to apply. However, we would recommend signing up for an audition date at least one week in advance. After all audition days have been held, auditions to the band program are handled on a case by case basis (i.e. determined by instrumentation needs, extenuating circumstances, etc.).
For students granted a virtual audition, we recommend submitting materials by March 15th each year for full consideration. Again, after that time, submissions will be handled on a case by case basis.
The University of Arkansas Bands Scholarship Program is generously supported by university administration and friends of the UARK Bands. All band students who are eligible have received some type of financial aid since fall 2013.
Auditions for the 2025-2026 academic year will begin in January 2025 . Prospective students can register for an audition where they will be considered for both acceptance and scholarship funding. If there are further questions, contact the UARK Band office at (479) 575-4100 or by email at
Typically, we hold check-in for audition days between 9:45-10:00am. We begin with a group meeting with the staff of the program, which usually takes about 30 minutes. After the meeting students are given their warm-up room and specific audition time, which will normally fall sometime between 10:30 and 12:30. University of Arkansas Bands staff will be available at all times to provide direction if needed.
We recommend "Sunday best" or concert black, but there are no strict requirements for attire.
While we prefer you make an on campus visit for your audition by selecting one of our audition days, we understand that financial and scheduling concerns can necessitate a virtual audition. When filling out the audition registration, you will have the option to request a virtual audition.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about auditions, please contact JR Hinkson. You may also schedule an on-campus or virtual visit with Mr. Hinkson here.